When you need to reduce bothersome office clutter, it’s time to neaten up and say goodbye to some old junk. From old documents to ancient monitors, an office can build up a lot of useless clutter. It’s likely your cluttered office has many items in it that are no longer serving any purpose and are making your workplace less efficient.
So, let’s take a look at how you can make your office less cluttered.
Dispose of Old Electronics
Oftentimes we hold on to electronics that have stopped working even once we get a replacement. Perhaps the biggest culprit of these is monitors. When a monitor stops working, it almost always gets relegated to a corner or closet to be disposed of later. But, it just never seems like the right time to deal with it.
However, there are many culprits, including printers that broke down and never got repaired or disposed of and computers that have become obsolete. This e-waste can be troublesome to recycle or throw away, but there are many disposal services that can haul away the junk to be disposed of properly
Dispose of Useless Paperwork
Regular shredding is key to keeping an office free from useless clutter and keeping private information secure. If you haven’t shredded documents in a while, it’s time to get started. For documents that do not contain private information, they can be disposed of regularly.
For important files that cannot be disposed of, consider maintaining them digitally. Otherwise, you can designate a particular file folder or drawer to hold them separately, so they are out of the way until you need them again.
Put Things Away
Oftentimes, office organization can degenerate to simply putting things into piles. From piles of discarded appliances to piles of paperwork, these messes make things hard to find, add to clutter and make things look messy.
It is important to always put things back when you are done with them and always have a place to store them. Whether it is the corner of the desk or drawers, there should always be a place for things to go. That way, you know where things are when you need them, and everything looks neat and tidy. Once all the piles are gone, you might even find you have space for a new storage unit or more equipment.
Your Office Has Become a Storage Space
It’s easy to let your office become a storage place for random junk and office supplies. From random reference books to endless notepads, everyone is guilty of storing useless things in their office. But, to keep your office tidy and prevent it from growing out of control, it’s important to stop it or at least control it.
Try disposing of everything that you will not really need soon, and the rest should go in a drawer, shelf, or other storage space where it can be kept neatly and out of the way until it is needed.
Final Thoughts
There are many causes of clutter in our offices, but fixing these is a good start to getting your office back to an efficient workspace. By getting rid of all the stuff you don’t need and getting everything else organized, you will soon find that you are more productive and have far less frustration finding the things you need. So, don’t put it off and get started today.
Contact Us
Whether it is an office cleanout, shredding, or recycling service, contact ABH Services . Our professional technicians can work during business hours to quickly and quietly get the job done without disturbing your staff, or we can schedule a time outside of your office hours. Call 781-941-2422 and connect with us on Facebook.