At ABH Services, we strongly believe in the importance of recycling. That is why we offer our recycling services as one of our staple jobs! Recycling not only helps you declutter your home of unwanted trash, but lets you be a part of healing the earth while you do it. For decades now, we have known that recycling is an important step in cleaning up our earth and making the most of reusable materials, but what does recycling do, really? What can this one small step really do for the environment? Well to start, Recycling:
Saves Natural Habitats
The destruction of trees to make more paper cuts into national forests and wildlife homes. By recycling, even just a small amount, you are helping to cut down on the amount of foresting that has to happen in order for paper and paper supplies to be made. This in turn saves thousands of homes for wildlife around the world.
Conserves Energy
But does not recycling also take a lot of energy? No! Compared to the amount of energy burned to process and destroy waste in landfills, recycling conserves a lot of energy. Therefore, even though recycling in itself takes some energy to accomplish, it is far less when compared to the energy levels used for processing landfill waste that could be recycled.
Maintains Oxygen Levels
Recycling helps to maintain oxygen levels and has brought initiatives in planting and regrowing trees in rural areas. The way in which recycling does this is by allowing already cut and used resources to be reformed and reused in the same way we would cut down new resources to use it. By recycling, we are saving millions of trees every year. That is quite a bit of oxygen!
Reduces Landfill Waste
While it may seem obvious to some, by recycling, we are also reducing landfill waste. When we make the conscious decision to recycle our recyclable goods, we prevent products that still have use potential from taking up valuable space in landfills. This decreases the amount of pointless waste burning, energy, and space to allow for all of the prementioned benefits to take place.
Saves Lives and Resources
As you can see, there are plenty of great reasons to recycle. While there are many more than what we mentioned here today, those are just some of the most beneficial outcomes of choosing to recycle. Keeping in mind the benefits of recycling, starting on your own can be tricky. That is why at ABH, we offer recycling services to help you with your recycling needs.
Here at ABH Services, located in Malden, Massachusetts, we pride ourselves in servicing the areas of Eastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire. We are locally owned and operated and have a great reputation within the community. We offer a variety of services ranging from recycling to demolition and are here to assist with any disposal needs you may encounter. If you need help, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at (781) 941-2422 or through Facebook at: