Most homeowners are probably more used to expecting flood risks in warmer weather, as rainstorms throw large quantities of water that can freely flow across the warm ground. However, those more used to cold climates are more likely to be aware that the cold weather can present just as much of a flooding risk.
With heavy snows carrying vast quantities of water that can be released the moment temperatures rise as well as the risk of cracking foundations winter can present just as big a risk of water damage. Fortunately, there are a few steps homeowners can take to mitigate the risk of flood damage until the weather warms up.
Shovel Snow Away From Your Home
A buildup of snow around the perimeter of your home can quickly become a flood risk when the snow melts. This is because as the snow melts, the water can gradually find its way into your home through cracks in your foundation. Simply by giving some distance between the snow and your home, you can reduce the chances of a flooded basement.
Clear Your Roof
A small amount of snow on your roof is to be expected, but when piles of two or more feet form, this is a recipe for disaster. When this snow melts, it can produce a large amount of water that could flood the interior of your home when it melts. However, before shoveling it off, keep in mind that snow can easily conceal ice, so be prepared and call a professional if you aren’t confident you can safely do the job on your own.
Prevent Ice Dams
When an attic lacks suitable insulation, it allows heat to escape through the roof. When this happens, it can cause snow to melt, forming pools of water and creating what is known as ice dams.
As more water collects, it can begin to back up and crawl underneath your exterior roof coating and into the attic. From here, it can flow into walls, ceilings, and other openings, causing severe flooding.
Protect Exposed Pipes
When it comes to winter flooding, ice and snow are not the only sources of water to worry about. The cold can put a lot of stress on your plumbing which can cause devastating flooding. Exposed pipes in unheated parts of your home, such as the attic and basement, can reach freezing temperatures causing the water to expand, potentially bursting pipes.
This can release an enormous amount of water in moments. To prevent this from occurring, cover all exposed pipes with a layer of insulation that can easily be acquired from any home improvement store.
Ensure Your Sump Pump Is Working
As temperatures rise and snow melts, the water will be released, which can cause the ground around your foundation to become completely saturated. When this occurs, your home’s sump pump is responsible for removing the excess water. This means that it is important to ensure that your sump pump is in good shape for when it is needed.
Final Thoughts
With the cold weather comes a whole new set of flooding threats that can cause significant damage to your property. By taking the steps above, you can help protect your home from flooding in the first place. However, if flooding does occur, it is important to work quickly to remove the moisture in order to minimize damage.
Contact Us
For help with water extraction and restoration, contact ABH Services Inc. Our professional team has the advanced equipment and training necessary to remove floodwaters and get your home back to normal. Call us at (781) 941-2422 and connect with us on Facebook.