There are some chores we prefer doing over others.  I mean, not everyone likes chores, but such as it is, it’s a way of life.  Chores are usually menial tasks that keep our property in good condition and only require a little bit of elbow grease and concentration.  One of the least favorite chores in many households is vacuuming.  Pushing that contraption around week after week gets old; the dog puts up a fight and children cry over lost Legos, not to mention the strain on your back.  But, there are actually a ton of good reasons as to why we do it.

  1. We humans shed over a million skin cells each and every day, or close to 35,000 cells per hour. These cells accumulate on your rugs, carpets, and furniture and mix with dust and dirt to breed harmful microorganisms.  Gross!
  2. Microscopic bugs love to hide in your carpet. Regular cleaning with a vacuum keeps them out of your home and bed.
  3. Allergies can develop over time. Even if you aren’t allergic now to environmental allergens like dust, dust mites, pollen, and pet dander, harboring these things in your carpet can trigger new allergies to pop up.
  4. Personal hygiene is affected by your environment. Sitting on a dirty floor, cross-contaminating the dirt particles and microorganisms to other furniture in your home and your bed means you’re covered in these miniscule molecules.
  5. Vacuuming causes your brain to feel like it has accomplished something. Your home will look better and you’ll improve your overall mood.
  6. It’s great exercise! Any sort of movement burns calories and vacuuming increases your heartrate,  builds muscle, and keeps you active.

It’s amazing how one single chore can cover so much ground, so to speak.  Your house will look great and you’ll get the health benefits at the same time.  So, get out that floor sweeper and get to work!  You’ll be able to sleep well tonight knowing that you’ve eradicated those pesky microbes potentially crawling all over you.

On the other hand, if your carpet is past its prime and it’s time for new floor coverings, give us a call at ABH Services.  Schedule a dumpster rental and start tearing out your carpets.  The fall is a great time to replace your carpets as many retailers have flooring sales to make room for new inventory.  Take advantage of the season so you can replace your carpets at an affordable cost.  Toss your old carpet and padding into one of our dumpsters and in no time, you’ll have beautiful new carpet.

We offer four dumpster rental sizes and can work with you to determine which size is perfect for your project.  Call us to schedule a dumpster drop off at 781-941-2422 or learn more about our services by visiting our Facebook page at